이전 질문 게시판은 새 글 쓰기를 막았습니다. [질문 게시판]을 이용바랍니다.
Date 2011/02/27 15:44:17
Name 창이
Subject 영어 번역에 자신 있는 분 도와주세요
PGR에 영어 번역 고수 없나용?

번역 좀 도와주세요~~
참고로 기계공학에 관한 문장이에용

(단, 전공 관련 전문 용어 단어는 거의 없어요)

7. Conclusions
The inspection of the blade revealed the following
 Damage appearing in the form of a crack that affected
the (non-resistant) superficial laminate, extending over
the influence zone of the concentrator and with its likely
origin at the corner between the cover and the root.
 Damage in the form of a crack that affected the resistant
laminate, extending over the zone where there was an
abrupt change in the thickness of the laminate.
 Lack of bonding, lack of resin and diverse manufacture
The nature of the observed failure seems to be due to a
fatigue mechanism. The configuration of the observed
cracks seems to indicate that first a superficial crack
(Fig. 10a) appeared, probably around the weakest point
(corner between the cover and the root) due to the stress
concentration, this crack progressing throughout the
superficial layer and inducing delamination between this
superficial layer and the resistant laminate. Later on, in the
zone where there was an abrupt change of thickness, the
presence of the superficial crack together with the effect of
the concentrator and the effect of the change in thickness
gave rise to the stress state necessary to generate a crack in
the resistant laminate (Fig. 10b), which completely broke
the laminate, as is observed in Fig. 10c.
By means of the simplified procedure of the standard
GL, a calculation of fatigue life for the laminate
corresponding to the zone of failure has been carried out.
It has been deduced that it is plausible that this laminate
reached a fatigue life in the order of 5 years, considering
that it was subjected to the combined effect of the presence
of the superficial crack, the effect of the geometric
concentrator and the effect of the change in thickness, all
this giving rise to an amplification of the nominal stress at
the zone considered. Additionally, the presence of diverse
defects of manufacture could, in any case, contribute to a

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
11/02/27 16:09
수정 아이콘
7. Conclusions (결론)
The inspection of the blade revealed the following
damages: (칼날이 돌출된 상태에서의 통찰은 다음과 같은 손상을 입힌다)
 Damage appearing in the form of a crack that affected
the (non-resistant) superficial laminate, extending over
the influence zone of the concentrator and with its likely
origin at the corner between the cover and the root.
(얄팍한 합판에 영향을 미친 크랙 형태의 데미지인데 그 데미지는 컨센트레이터의 influence zone을 넘어서 커버와 뿌리(?) 사이의 원점 일 가능성이 있는 곳까지 넘어올 수 있다)- 번역이 약간 이상한데.. 알아들을 수는 있을정도...이라고 믿습니다..
 Damage in the form of a crack that affected the resistant
laminate, extending over the zone where there was an
abrupt change in the thickness of the laminate.
(저항이 있는 합판에 가해진 크랙 형태의 데미지인데, 존을 넘어 합판의 두께를 변형시킬 수 있는 데미지?) - 읭? 공학을 전혀 몰라서..ㅠㅠ
 Lack of bonding, lack of resin and diverse manufacture
(본딩부족, 송진부족 그리고 제조중 이상)

아흠 졸리네요... 나머지는 내일 아침에 일어나서[쿨럭]
11/02/27 16:16
수정 아이콘
The nature of the observed failure seems to be due to a fatigue mechanism.(이러한 상황은 약화된 메카니즘에 의한 것으로 보인다)
The configuration of the observed cracks seems to indicate that first a superficial crack (Fig. 10a) appeared, probably around the weakest point (corner between the cover and the root) due to the stress concentration, this crack progressing throughout the superficial layer and inducing delamination between this superficial layer and the resistant laminate.
(위에서 나타난 배치들은 첫 얇은 크랙 [그림 10a]이 나타남을 나타내고, 아마도 가장 약한 포인트(커버와 루트 사이의 코너)에서 stress concentration때문에 나타났을 것이고, 이 크랙은 얇은 층을 따라 계속되고 이 얇은 층과 저항력이 있는 합판 사이의 박리를 초래할 수 있다)

진짜 자러갑니다 크크
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
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