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통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
10/12/18 20:45
글쓴이님이 말한 유래가 맞지않나요?? 2004년도에 무슨뜻인지 스갤과 PGR에 논쟁이 있었는데 그렇게 정리됬었던걸로 기억하거든요
10/12/18 20:46
치터스 러쉬가 맞을겁니다. 우리나라에서 만들어진 명칭이라면 굳이 익숙하지도 않은 '치즈'로 단어가 만들어졌을리 만무하죠.
외국에서 온 어휘라고 생각하면 납득이 가죠. 치터스 러쉬 -> 줄여서 치즈러쉬 1번은 정확히 기억은 안 나지만 엄재경해설인가? 임요환 vs 박경락 선수 경기 때 저런 설명을 했던 것 같기도.... 확실하진 않아요.
10/12/18 21:07
리퀴피디아에는 엄재경해설의 치터즈러쉬설을 써놨는데요. 이러한 반론도 있네요. I agree, I believe the origin is incorrect. I know as early as 16 years ago far before starcraft was even invented cheese was a gaming phrase. Primal Rage released in 1994 would actually display a Swiss Cheese icon above you when you did "cheap" moves and then prevent you from continuing the cheesy move. I don't think that the origins are correct. A strategy is called cheesy because you can not know it but smell it when it happens. This term is so old it is comming from a time where build orders were not as strict as they are today. So if someone scouted the opponents base and didn't really "know" that something was up he could "smell" something is in the bush, so the strategy/tactic was stinking like cheese. Back in the days a "slub" was used to fire up a trap, you could smell this slub when it was burning so you could literally smell the trap just like with cheesy strats. Cheese doesn't just pertain to strategy games, or even just games. You can find an origin dating back to the year 1818 athttp://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=cheesy: cheesy "cheap, inferior," 1896, from Urdu chiz "a thing," from Persian chiz, from O.Pers. *ciš-ciy "something," from PIE pronomial stem *kwo- (see who). Picked up by British in India by 1818 and used in the sense of "a big thing" (especially in the phrase the real chiz). By 1858, cheesy had evolved a slang meaning of "showy," which led to the modern, ironic sense. Cheesed "disgruntled, exasperated," is from 1941, British slang, but the connection is uncertain. --Urashimakt 06:37, 18 September 2010 (UTC)