이전 질문 게시판은 새 글 쓰기를 막았습니다. [질문 게시판]을 이용바랍니다.
Date 2010/09/09 19:48:12
Name 니지
Subject 토익 ] 문제 같이 풀어보실 분...?
제가 사정상;; 무조건 만점을 받아야하는데, 제가 쓴 정답이 자신이 없네요 ㅠ_ㅠ
부끄럼무릅쓰고 문제들 올려봅니다..
같이 풀어봐요~~~~~

Ms. Black was -------- the most experienced of the many candidates who applied for the accounting position.
   a. obscurely
   b. obviously
   c. obsessively
   d. obstinately

Q2. -------- the manager and the assistant manager were absent from work at the same time causing delays in obtaining authorization for employee vacations.
   a. Either
   b. Together
   c. Both
   d. Jointly

Q3. Alex Jones is taking the company vehicle to a car wash for ------- it thoroughly inside and out.
   a. cleaning
   b. cleaner
   c. cleaned
   d. clean

Q4. Mr. Joseph periodically visits a restaurant ------- is in his neighborhood and walking distance from his home.
   a. where
   b. what
   c. that
   d. who

Q5. When the state government moved department sections to other areas of the state, department heads found it necessary to -------- visit the outlying offices.
   a. accurately
   b. accidentally
   c. vaguely
   d. frequently

Q6. Mary Beth was a wilderness guide through Alaska and sometimes took -------- hikers out for their first wilderness trip.
   a. inexperienced
   b. perplexed
   c. indecent
   d. amused

Q7. Tammy will be ------- a long leave of absence to help nurse an extremely sick relative and is uncertain about her date of return.
   a. taking
   b. take
   c. taken
   d. taker

Q8. This year for our summer internship ------- we’ve hired a very diverse group of students from all regions of the country.
   a. promise
   b. program
   c. progress
   d. province

Q9. Annabelle Johnson uses her time in the office on the weekends very ------- due to the peace and quiet in the building.
   a. effectively
   b. effective
   c. effect
   d. effected

Q10. Small businesses are often seriously affected during a recession ------- their small size and relatively narrow focus.
   a. throughout
   b. whether
   c. although
   d. due to

Q11. When the bank manager sees more than two customers waiting per -------, he opens a new window himself.
   a. cash
   b. cashier
   c. cashing
   d. cashed

Q12. ------- salespeople often overshadow the quieter, more timorous people on the sales staff.
   a. Aggressive
   b. Pleased
   c. Unsuccessful
   d. Caring

Q13. Questions 13-16 refer to the following passage.

Would you like to earn more ______________ from your web site?

Do you want to provide visitors to your web site with a more comprehensive online experience? If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then has just the solution you need.

   a. budget
   b. assessment
   c. revenue
   d. deficit

Q14. At, we ensure that your web site consistently ___________ content and image advertisements through uniquely designed packages that are exactly tailored to your precise content and visitor profiles.

   a. delivers
   b. to deliver
   c. delivering
   d. have delivered

Q15. In fact, our online advertisements are ______________ perfectly matched to your site and visitors that,when you make use of our unique services, you will actually find your site gaining popularity.

   a. very
   b. too
   c. such
   d. so

Q16. Take ____________ of the unique advertising services provided by and let your web site start earning more right now!
   a. look
   b. advantage
   c. benefit
   d. convenience

Q17. Questions 17-20 refer to the following passage.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I want to inform you of my _____________ with your company’s SX-780 scientific calculator which I purchased at the Save Mart located at 432 Willsboro Boulevard in Seattle this past September 4. My complaint concerns the SX-780 scientific calculator’s display screen, which has failed three times in the four months I have owned the product.

   a. dissatisfaction
   b. contentment
   c. gratification
   d. indifference

Q18. I have been forced to twice return the product for warranty service (18)____________ this problem, but the third and most recent failure of the display screen is completely (19)____________.
I would like to receive a new calculator of the same model from your company.
   a. relating
   b. because of
   c. despite
   d. due

Q19. I have been forced to twice return the product for warranty service (18)__________ this problem, but the third and most recent failure of the display screen is completely (19)__________.
I would like to receive a new calculator of the same model from your company.
   a. unacceptable
   b. unavoidable
   c. inevitable
   d. indubitable

Q20. I look forward to your reply in this matter, and will allow three weeks for your response __________ referring my complaint to the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me if you require additional information.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Brandon Wilkes
   a. within
   b. after
   c. before
   d. prior

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
10/09/09 20:06
수정 아이콘
bcacd / aabad / bacad / babac 에 한표 던집니다.
10/09/09 20:17
수정 아이콘
bcacd / aabad / bccdd / babab 로 풀었어요...
10/09/09 20:18
수정 아이콘
12,14,20번 답이 다르네요@@;;;;;;;
10/09/09 20:23
수정 아이콘
bcacd / aabad / bacad / babac 에 한표 던집니다.(2)
10/09/09 20:23
수정 아이콘

로 풀었습니다.
10/09/09 20:20
수정 아이콘
마지막 문제답은 after 아닌가요? after 같은데...
12번은 다시 보니 a가 맞는 것 같네요
10/09/09 20:26
수정 아이콘
그러네요 aggresive가 더 자연스러운 것 같아요
나머진 다시 해석중@@

곧 정답 올리겠습니다
10/09/09 20:38
수정 아이콘
마지막은 아무리 봐도 after가 맞는 것 같네요.. 음 I will allow three weeks for your response after referring my complaint
-> 나는 당신의 대답에 내 불만을 읽은 후부터 3주를 허락할 것입니다.

왜 before인 건지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ
10/09/09 20:59
수정 아이콘
bcacd / aabad / bacad / babac <정답입니다~~
감사합니다 ^-^
10/09/09 21:06
수정 아이콘
근데 이게 토익 문제인가요... 토익에 비해 난이도가 상당한 거 같은데....
10/09/09 21:12
수정 아이콘
답만 달아놓고 딴거 하고 오느라..ㅜㅜ

예전에 한창공부하고 요근래 6개월간 전혀 안혀서 긴가민가 했는데 다행히 다맞았네요 크큭;

축하드립니다 크큭
10/09/09 23:13
수정 아이콘
왜이리 어렵나요-_-; 토익문제 치고 너무 빡센데요.
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
번호 제목 이름 날짜 조회
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90598 하드를 두 개 연결하려고 합니다. [3] 화이트데이1553 10/09/10 1553
90597 신촌에 조용한 카페 좀 추천해주세요! [1] 새벽오빠2525 10/09/10 2525
90596 부모님 핸드폰 질문드립니다 [2] Forced_in1262 10/09/10 1262
90595 대학 학점 100점 점수환산 [6] 큭큭나당4468 10/09/10 4468
90593 엘리베이터 설치에 관해 문의해봅니다 [2] 틀림과 다름1314 10/09/09 1314
90592 갤럭시s 질문입니다. [3] 베타관리자1861 10/09/09 1861
90591 로또와 비교했을떄...확률...질문입니다 [5] 유안1523 10/09/09 1523
90590 컴활 2급 자격증을 딸 생각입니다. [3] 으랏차차1636 10/09/09 1636
90588 소개팅 후 질문입니다. [2] 플러쉬2700 10/09/09 2700
90586 처음을 정장을 사려고 합니다 ^^ [5] 싸구려신사2124 10/09/09 2124
90584 신호위반 + 접촉사고 시 벌점과 벌금?? [1] 악학궤범a3631 10/09/09 3631
90583 바퀴 벌레 안 무서워지는 법 좀 알려주세요 ㅠㅠ [28] mangyg6761 10/09/09 6761
90582 슬림해보이는 요소중 가장 밀접한 신체부위는 뭘까요? [4] 에휴존슨이무슨죄1822 10/09/09 1822
90580 컴퓨터 구매 질문좀 드릴께요^^ [5] 전현철1432 10/09/09 1432
90579 [물리실험] 등전위선 관련 질문 [4] 바닥인생8422 10/09/09 8422
90577 한/영키가 작동되지 않습니다.. [1] Psy_Onic-0-1556 10/09/09 1556
90576 이 게임 음악 어디서 나온 건가요? [3] 거북거북1836 10/09/09 1836
90575 아디다스 밑창(깔창) 인솔 ?.. 당근병아리2165 10/09/09 2165
90574 토익 ] 문제 같이 풀어보실 분...? [16] 니지1906 10/09/09 1906
90573 LG U+ 무제한 요금제...?? [5] 아싸리삐약~*1759 10/09/09 1759
90572 전자공학부생 취업질문좀 합니다.. [1] 코리안1401 10/09/09 1401
90571 USB메모리 추천 부탁드려요^^ [2] 현상1560 10/09/09 1560
목록 이전 다음

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