Hi I'm Carrot, the manager of this tourney .. !
After 3nd pre the no. of players was zipped to 38 players in 19 groups !!
We are going to start the MAIN TOURNEY on the 10th of March.
plz remember the match date, player no, opponent and channel~!
Also I'm going to notice the 3rd pre result & main 1st tourney matchups at the same time :)
Results of 3rd pre
GROUP 38 of 3rd Pre (teamone1 vs Skew[Media]) was postponed to one of this weekdays.
I will update or add the winner info asap when I get it.
대회 메인 채널은 PT4 입니다.
The MAIN Channel of the tourney is PT4.
(The channel you come to when you are lost
or you have problems that the channel staff can't handle)
Each channel will have a tourney staff.
(the ID is PT4_Staff_(channel no.). Rest are all false)
You should join the channel with the ID you put on when you registered.
If not it will take time to recognise your identity !!
Maps & Decisions
MAIN TOURNEY (up to Semifinals) is totally done in BO3.
First map is decided by the way below,
and the loser of the game can choose the next map(but cannot choose the map that has already been played).
Tourney Maps
Luna the Final - 1st map
New Peaks of Beakdu - 2nd map
Arcadia II - 3rd map
Blitz X - 4th map
The map decision has changed as following:
1)Each player whispers the map that they don't wan't to play to the staff.
2)The staff rolls a dice to decide the map:
i) (2 remaining maps - 2 players banning different maps)
Dice result:
odds -> the toppest map,
evens -> the bottom map.
ii) (3 remaining maps - both players banning same map)
Dice result:
1,2 -> the toppest map,
3,4 -> the map in the middle,
5,6 -> the map at the bottom.
Time: 10th of March 2007, 24:00 (GMT 15:00)
Location: Battle.Net Asia Realm, channel: PT4, PT4_1~2, PT4_B
※ the players are disqualified if they are not in channels by 24:30(GMT 15:30).
If you have reasons for your absence, plz mail me. (e-mail: air.carrot@gmail.com)
All matches are DONE IN BO3.
MAIN TOURNEY is a knockdown tournament
( ex) GROUP1 Winner vs GROUP2 Winner ... etc)
The no. of groups are yet odds (38 players in 19), but if it is not even untill the end of the 2nd main tourney, then we will make 1 group that the survivor has to play twice X_X..
리플레이 업로드
The WINNER of the match should post the replay
on the
LEAGUE BOARD of PGR21 (non-member board in the league days).
following the formats below:
[PT4] group (no)
(player no.) vs (player no.) @ (map) - (winner no.) 승
replay file(upload):
group(no.)_(winner no.).rep
WARNING: Plz upload the replay in all possible occasions.
If not you will face inconvenience when are problems occur !!
In worst case, the match result will be INVAILD.
※ You can get the 1st & 2nd preliminary replays on the league board:
Any questions/problems, or the things that the players want to correct -
Plz mail me (air.carrot@gmail.com)
About Free Wins..
I & tourney staff are very sad that there are quite a few absence or late arrival,
but it is the rule so plz meet the time & location :)