이전 질문 게시판은 새 글 쓰기를 막았습니다. [질문 게시판]을 이용바랍니다.
Date 2011/05/16 00:06:14
Name 비빔면
Subject 저보다 영어 잘하시는 분들 헬프좀 부탁드릴게요!!
대학교 2학년생입니다. 영어를 엄청나게 못해요-_-;

나름 키보드 자판에 손짓 발짓 다해가면서 영작을 하긴 했는데, 문법적으로 틀린 부분이 많은 것 같네요.

어디 물어볼데도 없고(엉엉)... 문법상 틀린 부분좀 고쳐주시면 감사하겠습니다ㅠㅠ

주제는 '나의 좋지 못한 습관들' 에 대한 내용입니다.

I have many bad characteristic which looks very unattractive by people.

First, I have a small-mind.
For example, When I was 17 years old, I went to the seoul land with friends
My friends teased me without any reason.
I got hurted my heart and went to the my home directly.
My friends were very embarrased.

Second, I think myself about lack patience.
For instance, I was addicted to Starcraft and went to the PC room everyday because playing Starcraft.
Finally, I was decided to not going to the PC cafe during a month.
But few days later, I became Starcraft progamer.

Last, I usually don't take a meal.
For example, If I have no appetite, I'll not take a meal when I appitite myself again even though pizza and hamburger!

In conclusion, I need to fix my bad characteristic immediately and affort to not doing my bad characteristic.

이상입니다. 장렬히 패배해주실분 감사합니다. ㅠㅠ!!!

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
11/05/16 00:25
수정 아이콘
전체적으로 구조는 잘 잡으신 것 같아요. 세세한 문법은 저도 잘 몰라서 어느 게 맞다 말씀은 못 드리겠고
첫 문단만 제 생각대로 조금 바꿔 보았어요.

I have some unfavorable characteristics which look somewhat unattractive.
At first, I am narrow-minded.
When I was 17 years old, I went to Seoul Land with my friends.
They teased me just for fun in soft manner. I got hurted, however, and return to my home immediately without any notice.
That my small-minded action made my friends very embarrased.
11/05/16 01:18
수정 아이콘
저도 영어 못하지만 토익공부하다가 배운걸루다가 조금만 말씀드려요.
두번째 문단에서
think+ about 보다는 think 목적어 of ~ 또는 think 목적어 as ~를 쓰는것같고,
두번째줄엔 스타크래프트를 즐기기 때문에 피씨방에 간다(인과관계)보다는 즐기기 위해서(for)가 맞는거 같고..
세번째줄은 I decided not to go ~로 시작하는게 문법에 맞는거 같습니다. 또는 I decided (that) I would not ~으로요.
그리고 But은 문장 앞에는 잘 안쓰니, 같은의미의 However,로 바꾸는게 맞겠네요.
11/05/16 08:56
수정 아이콘
둘째 문단부터 고쳐볼께요!
Secondly, I consider myself to be a impatient person.
For instance, when I was addicted to starcraft, I went to PC room to play it every single day.
Because I wasted much money and time due to it, I resolved to stop going to PC room for a month.
However, I couldn't make it, and a few days later, I became a professional gamer of starcraft.

Lastly, I skip a meal frequently.
I don't eat anything if I don't feel like eating regardless of the food served to me, such as a pizza or a hamburger.
(이부분 문장 해석이 잘 안되서 맞게 썼나 잘 모르겠네요;;죄송..)

In conclusion, I need to correct my bad characteristics(habit 이 어떨까 싶기도 하네요!) immediately.
중간 중간 좀 바꾼 부분이 있어서 어떻게 보실진 모르겠네요;
스피킹을 위한 준비 같아 보이는데 맞나요? 마지막 결론에 한문장 정도 더 추가하면 어떨까 싶네요!
그리고 첫번째 문단에서 I went to seoul land 를 앞으로 배치시키고 when문장을 뒤로하는게 자연스러워 보여요,

열심히 하세요!!
11/05/16 17:30
수정 아이콘
우선 피씨방은 영어로 Internet cafe 라고 해서 그걸로 바꿨어요
윗분들이 쓰신거 참고해서 수정한거니까
또 수정할꺼 있으면 알려주세요 크크
I have some unfavorable habits which look somewhat unattractive.

At first, I am narrow-minded.
When I was 17, I went to the Seoul Land with my friends.
They teased me just for fun in a soft manner. I felt hurt
So,I returned home immediately without any notice.
that day, my small-minded action made my friends very embarrased.

second of all, I consider myself as an impatient person.
For instance,I went to an internet cafe every single day to play star craft,
when I was addicted to it.
Realizing that I wasted much money and time, I decided to stop playing star craft for a month.
However, I couldn't keep my word,
few days later,I became a professional gamer.

for the last, I skip a meal frequently.

Eventhough there are delicious foods such as pizza or hamburger.
I eat nothing until I feel awful hunger.
마지막꺼는 고르세요
전 1번이 좋은데.
시간 때우셔야하면 긴게 좋으니까요.
1)In conclusion,I need to fix and exterminate my bad habits immediately.

2)In conclusion,I need to fix my bad habits immediately. and need prompt effort to stop my bad habits.

한번 썼다가 지워졌어요 T-T
함께 열심히 하자구요-흐흐
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