Date 2002/09/18 12:50:33
Name 심똘이
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Subject 러시아 최종 예선 리플 업그레이드 된 거 올립니다.
부루두워 닷 컴과
여기서 퍼 왔습니다. 법적인 문제는 없겠죠..
글구 리플 화일도 같이 올립니다.
글구 1위를 차지한 Alexey "Ranger[pG]" Churkin 선수의 인터뷰도 실었습니다.
전문 해독이 가능 하신분 해석 부탁합니다.
글구 1위부터 3위는 아래와 같습니다.
1 - Ranger[pG] (3.000 $)
2 - Androide (1.800 $)
3 - Asmodey[pG] (1.200 $)

WCG RP 2002 had given us lots of surprises... News coming from russian finals in USZ 'Drujba' looked more like reports from hotspots. Unexpected loses and unbelievable wins. After the event had finished, I've got a hold over one of the 'causes' - a player who had taken first place in Starcraft: Broodwar nomination - Ranger[pG].

Want to note that if you'll want to take an interview with Ranger, it will be enormously hard to do. I've been warned beforehand that he doesn't like to tell about himself, but I've tried to do it anyway...

eXistenZ: Hi!
Ranger: /Silence.../

eXistenZ: Ranger, I'm starting to worry about you... Say at least a word! :))
Ranger: Meeeee??? I'm waiting for you :)

eXistenZ: Whoa! Alive!!! ;) So, let's talk? First tell a bit about yourself - what's your name, your age, where do you live and when had you started playing computer games.
Ranger: Sergey Churkin, I live in Peterburg, I'm 19 year old and started playing like everyone here, in Orks club. But, unlikely to them, I've started to play seriously only in year 2000, just right after Asmodey came to Peterburg and showed us how to play Starcraft :)

eXistenZ: Right, so StarCraft is your first game?
Ranger: First game that I liked, before that I was playing Q2 and something else... Don't remember what actually...

eXistenZ: Was there a teacher in SC, if any?
Ranger: Hmm.. No one. Maybe Ghost had a little influence :)

eXistenZ: Your choice of race in StarCraft - Terrans, right?
Ranger: No, I have a very complex scheme with races. If I see that my opponent plays zergs very strong and selects them, I choose terrans. But my strongest race are zergs too. And when playing with serious players I choose that race... But things are actually more complex than that, and I won't tell my secrets :)

eXistenZ: Ranger's secret to win :) Right. And how much time do you spend every day in practicing StarCraft? Do you have regular friendly matches?
Ranger: I didn't play starcraft for long time, neither before WCG, nor after (no place where to play, plus I am bored a bit from sc). But I'll prepare for Korea of course. Most likely will go sitting for days in M19 club and playing both SC and warcraft... Will try to play like Koreans - without stepping away from computer even for days...

eXistenZ: Do you practice on internet and if yes, on which server?
Ranger: I've been playing StarCraft on Gamee, but now you have to pay there, so I don't know where to practice on internet. Will find something, I guess. In WarCraft3 i'm playing on West server. As I've told, I haven't played for long time.

eXistenZ: Do you think that WarCraft III will replace SC in the near future?
Ranger: We have lots of arguments here about that. I think that it will replace sc. And I think that those who didn't like the game, need to play it a little bit more, and without thinking "I DON'T LIKE IT!!!" all the time. With every update WC3 becomes better and better (like it was with SC), and everyone will be playing it. When StarCraft just came in, I've also looked at it and thought that this game isn't for me (I've been exclusively playing Final Fantasy :)), but after some time I've switched to sc, without even noticing that.

eXistenZ: So you say that you didn't play SC for long time... It's hardly beleivable to be true, how come you managed to win every opponent and take first place?
Ranger: It's quite simple to be true - nobody here in Orks gaming centre plays sc. For me, training was going to this club and play on Gamee server. When Gamee had closed, I couldn't practice and that was over. Everyone was playing only Q3 or Warcraft... As far as I know Android was practicing all the time... And, of course, I've been lucky with the grid. Three people whom I was afraid playing with, had been on the other side of the grid, + morale to me =)

eXistenZ: So, do you feel yourself now as No. #1 in Russia? Do you hope to get first place in Korean finals? And who's your main opponent on those finals?
Ranger: YES I AM NUMBER ONE!!! :))) Korea? Lots of questions... If I'll start playing Starcraft for 24/7 like them, then I think that Boxer will kill me in finals :)

eXistenZ: I'm glad that you're so optimistically looking at that... :) What do you think about Asmodey? He was so hoping to go to Korea last year... And what about rumors that Android has been using stimulators on WCG RP?
Ranger: About Asmodey I'll say that if he will fly to Korea, I will be only glad... Stimulation? Android? If that helps him to win Boxer I'll be glad for him :) My relationship with Android is quite fine to say that he's great guy and plays well. Good fast clicks...

eXistenZ: By the way, what's most important to win a game in SC: Strategical thinking, knowing fast-click macros or good unit control?
Ranger: Neither that nor this... Ability to analyze the situation during the game is the most important thing. After that: fast clicking, unit control, macros, startegy...

eXistenZ: Are games meaning of life for you? Or you're more interested in other things? How's your education?
Ranger: My education stability is poor. Tried to focus on fixing that, but didn't achive anything, something didn't work out well. But unlike to Karma I understand that education is very important. And next year I'll definitely go learning. But that's upsetting that I've lost so much time... Hobbies? I'm interested in doing sports. Don't have girlfriend :(

eXistenZ: So... No girlfriend... Don't want to ask provocactive questions, so I won't... Well... What are you going to do with those 3000$ you've won?
Ranger: Haven't decided yet.

eXistenZ: What's your mouse?
Ranger: Mitsumi (and only).

eXistenZ: What did you like in WCG finals and what didn't?
Ranger: Hard to tell. Nothing to compare with... Everything looked to be okay, on acceptable level...

eXistenZ: Best friend, best player, favourite film, music?
Ranger: Asmodey, maybe. Player? hehe... I'm the best... Film? Won't answer, seen so many that it's a horror to remember all of them. All kinds of music, no definite style and don't have a favourite. Depends on the mood...

eXistenZ: How modest... What's your horoscope sign? :)
Ranger: Aquarius.

eXistenZ: Do you have any sort of talisman or such, that gives you the win for the game?
Ranger: Nope, that's not for me. I'm not into superstitions.... My talisman is me :)

eXistenZ: /made a serious face/ How do you think, what gaming level is here in Russia? Had it raised or lowered comparing to last year?
Ranger: It's on the same level like it was last year and will stay the same, until "korean style" will appear (that's when you sit for weeks at computer playing only one game and only for one race)...

eXistenZ: Well, that would be all... Good luck in Korea! We'll be watching yer progress there!
Ranger: Thanks.

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
02/09/18 12:52
수정 아이콘
반응이 뜨거우면 다른 나라 것두 찾아서 올리겠습니다.
독해 부탁합니다.
02/09/18 13:05
수정 아이콘
인터뷰를 대충 보니 저그를 주종족으루 하구 테란도 하네요.
리플을 살펴 봤는데 저그는 무한 확장식 사우론에 능하더군요.
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