이전 질문 게시판은 새 글 쓰기를 막았습니다. [질문 게시판]을 이용바랍니다.
Date 2011/07/30 20:26:50
Name 꿀빵
Subject 영작 감수좀 부탁드려요
The invention of a car is one of the most significant event in the human history. Private motor vehicle has given the people a great freedom to move from one place to another, quickly and safely. Nowadays, people’s social status is often judged based on which car they own.

Sadly most new inventions come along with some disadvantages with it. The car pollutes the atmosphere, may cause accidents that lead to loss of lives, causes noise pollution and traffic jams. Thus governments around the world are working on solutions to reduce the usage of private vehicles.

The biggest reason why people drive their own vehicle rather than using the public transport is because it’s simply more convenient, which means that people seek for convenience even when it costs a lot more. Therefore if the quality and availability of the public transport can be improved, more people will begin to leave their car at home.

The expense of purchasing and maintaining a car can be raised. If a driver is faced with a high purchase price, expensive road tax and high insurance fees, he or she might reconsider the purchase of a car or will drive less. Although raising maintenance expenses for owning a car is a very effective way to reduce the car usage, if the public transport cannot accommodate all passengers or cannot provide competent services, it will presumably lead to another problems.  

However we do it, cars on the road won’t disappear at once and it shouldn’t be. But since concerns toward environmental issues are being highly raised these days and as excessive use of private vehicle is being pointed as a major cause of the problem, it certainly is an issue to be sorted out eventually, but gradually.

아이엘츠 공부를 시작했는데요, 토플 공부 해봤을때처럼 일단 써봤는데 아이엘츠도 이런 식으로 쓰면 될까요?
영작 자체가 너무 오랜만이라 여러모로 지적을 받고 공부 시작하고 싶네요
그냥 한번만 쫙 읽어보시고 틀린 부분이나 읽어도 이해가 안되는 부분을 좀 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
근데 퍼플레기가 질게에 영어관련 질문 올린거 보고 글쓰신 분과 답변하신 분까지 트윗에서 능욕하는걸 봤는데 왠지 무섭네요;;;;

미리 감사드립니다.

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
11/07/30 20:52
수정 아이콘
저도 영어초보지만 같은 학생끼리 서로 지적해준다는 느낌으로 해볼게요. (틀릴 가능성 높아요)
one of the most siginificant event 에서 event 가 events 로 되어야 될 것 같고, 그 다음 문장에 the people 에서 the가 들어간 이유를
잘 모르겠어요.

The car pollutes the atmosphere, may cause accidents that lead to loss of lives, causes noise pollution and traffic jams. 에서 and 가
빠진 것 같은데 넣어도 약간 어색하다는 느낌이네요.(정확한 근거 없음) 일반동사 - 조동사 - 일반동사가 어색하게 느껴지네요.

why people drive their own vehicle rather than using the public transport 에서도 using->use로 바뀌어야 할 것 같아요.

another + 단수명사 라서 the other problems 나 other problems 가 더 나아보여요.

However 도 Unless 의 뜻으로 쓰신 것 같다는 느낌이 나네요.

전체적으로 조동사가 좀 많이 쓰였다는 느낌이 나네요. 음, 저도 토플 공부한 지 얼마 안 되었지만, 공부한다는 느낌으로
읽어보면서 제 눈에 보이는 거 몇 개 끄적여봤습니다. 양해해주세요^^;;
11/07/30 21:05
수정 아이콘
그분은 영어관련 질문이 뭐가 어때서 트윗에서 능욕했을까요 -_ -;;

* 저도 영어를 매우 못 하니, 그냥 가볍게 봐주셨으면 합니다.

3번째 줄 : may cause accidents that lead to loss of lives

-> may cause fatal accidents

11번째 줄 : cannot accommodate all passengers or cannot provide

-> cannot accommodate all passengers or provide

14번째 줄 : excessive use of private vehicle is being pointed as a major cause

excessive using a private vehicle has been pointed out that major cause
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