Date 2007/09/03 06:19:27
Name 우리동네안드
Subject [소식] WCG 2007 독일 예선: Protois와 Xlord 예선통과
WCG 2007 Germany qualifier; Protois and XlorD qualified  
WCG 2007 독일 예선: Protois와 Xlord 예선통과

The past couple of weeks stood under the sign of the World Cyber Games qualifiers all over the world. A lot of countries have already finished their qualifier but the German still had to be played. This weekend it was finally time for the German World Cyber Games qualifier.

지난 두주는 전세계 WCG의 sign을 견디어 냈다. 많은 나라들은 이미 그들의 예선을 마쳤다.하지만 독일은 여전히 경기해야만했다. 이주말 그것은 마침내 독일 WCG예선을 위한 때였다.

In the first round we surprisingly see one of the favorites, Xlord, losing against Luzifer who later on also would knock down Freezer to the loser bracket. yAwS also surprised a little with his 2:0 victories against Insolence in the first round, miou in the second round and Luzifer in round 3. However in the Winner bracket final, yAwS had to end his winning spree with a loss against protois, this ment he has been knocked down to the loser bracket were he is waiting for his Consolation Finals opponent who will be decided in the Loser bracket final match between Miou and Xlord.

첫라운드에서 우리는 놀랍게  패자조에서 Freezer에게 앞도적으로 우세 할것인 Luzifer에 맞서 진 잘하는 사람들중 하나인 Xlord를 보았다. yAwS는 또 그의 첫라운드에서 Insolence,두번째라운드에서 miou와 라운드 3에서 Luzifer에 맞서 2:0승리와 함께 조금 놀랐다. 하지만 승자조 결승에서 yAwS는 protois에 맞서 진것과 함께 그의 승리하는 활동을 끝내야만했다. 그는 Miou와 Xlord사이에서 패자조 결승 경기에서 결정될 그의 부활결승에대해 기달리는 패자조에서 압도했었다.

Protois was able to win all his matches and is qualified for the WCG finals in Seattle coming October. Which name will be written on the second ticket is yet to be decided.

Protois는 모든 경기를 승리할수있었고 다가오는 10월 WCG Final에대한 예선을 통과했다. 각 이름은 두번째 티켓이 결정되어졌을때 쓰여질것이다.

Winner Bracket

                    2-0  Hasu0bs        
                                       1-2  Eric      
                     1-2  Eric        
                                                          1-2  Protois    
                     2-1  Protois        
                                      2-0  Protois      
                    1-2  coru        
                                                                              2-0  Protois
                    2-0  miou        
tesla                                                                                               2-0  Protois  
                                      0-2  yAwS      
                   0-2  yAwS                                                   XlorD  
                                                        2-0  yAwS    
                    1-2  Luzif.        
                                       2-0  Luzif.      
              defwin  Freez        

Loser Bracket  

             Freezer                    Eric
luna             2-1  Freezer                0-2  miou    
       0-2  dArk                       miou      
                             0-2                                                       1-2  XlorD  
      0-2  Thuri          
Thuri            1-2  miou        
                                                                     1-2  XlorD  
iNSo.            0-2  iNSo.        
     2-0  iNSo.          
                                   1-2  XlorD      
defwin  XlorD                                 2-0  XlorD    
CraftY          2-0  XlorD        
           Hasu0bs                  Luzifer  


통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

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