99xx까지 까본 지금으로썬 어느작업들에서는 사실이라고..
다른페이지를 읽어보니 7950대비 9950에서 코어간 지연은 18ns에서 20ns로 소폭 증가했는데
CCD(대충 말해 코어뭉탱이)간 지연시간이 76ns에서 180ns로 확증가했다고 하네요
이래서 스펙대비성능이 이모양일지도...
( Compared to the Ryzen 9 7950X, we are seeing a slight increase in latencies within a single CCX. The SMT "advantage", where two logical cores sharing a single physical core have a lower latency, appears to be gone. Instead, latencies are consistently around 20ns from any logical core to any other logical core within a single CCX. That average is slightly up from 18ns on the 7950X, though it's not clear what the chief contributing factor is.
More significantly – and worryingly so – are the inter-CCD latencies. That is, the latency to go from a core on one CCD to a core on the other CCD. AMD's multi-CCD Ryzen designs have always taken a penalty here, as communicating between different CCDs means taking a long trek through AMD's Infinity Fabric to the IOD and back out to the other CCD. But the inter-CCD latencies are much higher here than we were expecting.
For reference, on the Ryzen 9 7950X, going to another CCD is around 76ns. But in Ryzen 9 9950X, we're seeing an average latency of 180ns, over twice the cost of the previous generation of Ryzen. Making this all the more confusing, Granite Ridge (desktop Ryzen 9000) reuses the same IOD and Infinity Fabric configuration as Raphael (Ryzen 7000) – all AMD has done is swap out the Zen 4 CCDs for Zen 5 CCDs. So by all expectations, we should not be seeing significantly higher inter-CCD latency here. )
그래도 지연시간에 영향을 덜받는 작업들에서는
역시 신형이야! 스러운 성능이 나오긴 하고요,에픽에는 접근을 못하지만 아무튼 큰걸 다루는 준전문가분들에게는 AVX512의 강점이 있다고 알려져있긴 하지만
작업마다 들쑬날쑥이라 아무한테나 야 젠4보단 젠5가 좋지! 돈좀 더 써서 젠5쓰는게 나음 이라는 말을 함부로 하기도 뭐한 상황..
또한 젠5는 오버시의 전성비가 급격하게 나빠지기 때문에,
기존에 공개된 중급시피유들을 65에서 105tdp까지 풀어버리는게 이해가 가는거 같기도 합니다
65짜릴 70~80w정도로 풀어서는 성능향상폭이 티가 안나던게 아닌가..하는