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Date 2015/12/22 22:55:01
Name SKY92
Subject [스타1] (브금주의)잘 회자되지 않아서 너무 아까운 선수소개 브금.avi
BGM정보 : 브금저장소 -

Kamelot- The forth legacy

실제 사용(3분 37초~6분 38초)

settle for the journey
sail across the seven seas
carried by the spirit of the brave
join the New Allegiance now
and pledge your sacred heart
a history that no one can forsake
flying like an eagle from oblivion
rising in the mirror of the sky
you will find the New Allegiance
like a beacon in the nIGht
if you're searching for salvation
reach inside
there's a new world approaching
a fire to be seen
in following The Fourth Legacy
once you find the passage
to another promised land
don't forget the ones you left behind
flying like an eagle from oblivion
guided by the rising morning star
you will find the New Allegiance
like a beacon in the nIGht
if you're searching for salvation
reach inside
there's a new world approaching
a fire to be seen
in following The Fourth Legacy
there's glory in the distance
for the one's that pay the price
IGnorance creates a subtle mind
keep the fIGhting spirit
never close your eyes
don't forget the ones you left behind
flying like an eagle from oblivion
rising in the mirror of the sky
you will find the New Allegiance
like a beacon in the nIGht
if you're searching for salvation
reach inside
there's a new world approaching
a fire to be seen
in following The Fourth Legacy

가사까지 보면 정말 뭔가 시적이면서도 비장한 느낌....

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
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298604 [스타1] Shame [13] SKY925984 17/01/05 5984
260605 [스타1] (브금주의)잘 회자되지 않아서 너무 아까운 선수소개 브금.avi SKY923556 15/12/22 3556
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