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Date 2005/12/13 18:41:51
Name 드림씨어터
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Subject [유머] 우리나라 스포츠 신문기사의 심각성..

Giggs: Goals will come
긱스 : 목표는 올것이다.

IT WAS the same old story for Manchester United yesterday - and Ryan Giggs does not care much for the plot.

라이언긱스는 맨유에 대한 얘기들을 걱정하지 않는다.

When they needed to find their shooting boots to ease the pressure on beleaguered manager Sir Alex Ferguson, the Red Devils could not locate them.

The result was another frustrating Old Trafford draw - the third this season already - a 1-1 stalemate with Everton which delivered a potentially fatal blow to their Premiership title hopes and turned the heat up even further on Ferguson.

As the missed opportunities continued to mount, the Toffeemen might have made the situation even more sticky for United's long-serving boss, still coming to terms with the crushing Champions League exit to Benfica.

Instead, Edwin van der Sar came to the rescue with an excellent stop to deny James McFadden to at least ensure United did not end up completely empty-handed.

Even so, the Red Devils must now beat Wigan on Wednesday and Aston Villa on Saturday and then hope Arsenal defeat Chelsea at Highbury 24 hours later to reduce the gap on Jose Mourinho's side to a mere six points. The picture does not look good.

벤피카전에서 져서 챔스탈락됬고, 위건,아스톤빌라전이 있다는 얘기. 첼시가 아스날홈에서 아스날에게 지면 맨유에겐 희망이 있다.

"We created enough chances to win the game but it was the same old story," said Giggs. "We just did not put them away.

긱스: "우리는 경기에서 이기기 위한 많은 기회들을 만들었다. 그러나 그것은 오래전 이야기이다. 우리는 단지 그것들을 떨어트리지 않았다"


"It is really disappointing because we are working so hard but for some reason we can't put the ball into the net.

우리는 열심히 하고 있기때문에 정말 실망스러웠다. 하지만 몇몇이유로 우리는 골을 넣지 못했다"

"I don't know why because the opportunities we are creating are good ones. All we can do is keep playing the way we are and hopefully those goals will come.

"나는 우리가 좋은기회를 만들고 있기 때문에 왜 인지는 알지 못한다. 우리가 할수있는것은 우리의 방법을 유지하는것이고 희망적으로 목표는 올것이다."

"Generally our form has been good in the league over the last couple of months, so the best thing we can do is block it out. We play Wigan in three days, so there is no time to look back and think what might have been."

"지난 몇달간 우리의 리그경기는 좋았다. 그래서 우리가 할수있는 최선을 다할것이다. 우리는 3일후에 위건경기가 있다. 그래서 우리는 지난일을 돌아보고 생각할 시간이 없다."

Coming so soon after the stunning defeat in Lisbon, the draw only served to underline the frailties in a United side which many believe needs major surgery during the January transfer window if Ferguson is to remain manager beyond next summer.

만약 퍼거슨감독이 내년여름까지 남는다면 내년 1월 이적시장에서 선수들을 보강을 할것이다.

Phil Neville's outstanding contribution for the visitors in central midfield just emphasised the inadequacies of Alan Smith in the role.

필네빌의 중앙 미드필드로서 두드러진 활약은 앨런스미스가 그 역할에 부적합 하다는것을 강조했다.

Few could quibble at Smith's industry, his hunger to succeed and his admirable willingness to take on the job when asked to do so by Ferguson during pre-season.

However, at that time, Ferguson could hardly have expected to lose skipper Roy Keane in such dramatic fashion.

It turned what should have been a stop-gap appointment into a permanent replacement, a job Smith is simply not good enough to carry out at the rarefied level United are expected to operate in.

스미스가 킨을 대신해 맨유레벨에서 그 역할을 하기에 좋지 않다...라는 얘기.

The central defensive partnership between Rio Ferdinand and Mikael Silvestre continues to cause concern, while Cristiano Ronaldo, talented as he is, needs a crash course in direct play.

리오와 실베스트르의 중앙수비력은 주의가 계속된다. 재능있는 크리스티아누 호나우두는 직접적인 플레이에 질책과정이 필요하다.


Throw in the flickering contributions of Louis Saha and Park Ji-Sung - who have ability but, for a variety of reasons lack consistency - and it is easy to see why so many United fans genuinely fear for the short-term future of their club.

루이사하와 박지성의 약한공헌도도 거론된다. 능력은 있지만 일관성 부족한점이 이유이다. 그래서 맨유팬들은 맨유 당장의 미래에 두려워하고 있는 이유이다.

Ferguson may ruefully reflect the intensity of the criticism being aimed at him contrasts sharply with the lack of venom which has accompanied the poor form of an Arsenal side who are now five points behind the Old Trafford outfit.

That may have more to do with the Scot's notoriously abrasive attitude than anything else but there is little doubt Ferguson is facing a major crossroads, with one of the roads pointing straight to retirement.

퍼거슨이 은퇴의 중요한 사거리에 놓여있다.

One suspects only a concerted challenge to Chelsea, if not a title win, and at least one domestic cup, will be enough for Ferguson to convince Malcolm Glazer he still has what it takes to drive the club forward.

그러나 퍼거슨은 앞으로도 맨유를 지휘할수 있도록 말콤글레이져를 확신시킬것이다.

And while the attitude from Ferguson and the rest of the United camp remains bullish, it took Neville, now slightly detached, to offer the most accurate assessment of the task now facing his old club.

"Chelsea do not look like slipping up and something special will need to happen for someone to catch them," said the former United player. "And if anything, Liverpool are the team in the form to do it.

"United must stick together. They need a win, whether it is beautiful or ugly.

"Prior to the game in Lisbon I thought they were playing some really good football and looked like they were getting back to the kind of form which makes them so exhilarating to watch.

"I was sure they would go through on Wednesday and I was disappointed they did not."

이전 맨유선수: "첼시는 떨어질 기미가 안보인다. 첼시를 잡을 특별한 어느팀이 필요하다. 리버풀이 그것을 할팀이다." "맨유는 비판에 함께 해야한다. 그것이 아름답든 추하든 그들은 승리를 필요로한다."

"벤피카경기 전에 나는 그들이 정말 좋은축구를 하고있고, 그들을 바라봤을때 매우 활기찬형태로 돌아오고 있다고 생각했다. 나는 저번 수요일에 그들이 챔스를 통과할꺼라 확신했고, 그들이 그렇게 되지 않아 실망했다."

알럽사커 Man♧Utd 님 번역펌..

우리나라 신문기사는..
"박지성은 세대교체 실패작" "맨체스터에서 박지성 비난 여론 드세"
기사를 읽어 보면 더욱 가관입니다..

그리고 요즘 겜할거없으신분은드림
이거 같이해요.. 여신전쟁이라는 머드게임인데.. 상당히 잼있습니다.

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
05/12/13 18:55
수정 아이콘
판마 자게에서 매일보던 여신전쟁 홍보를 여기서도 보다니;;
05/12/13 19:21
수정 아이콘
만부로 전왕뽑기 전까지는 절대로 판마하지않으리.
여신전쟁 무지재밋어요 ..;
05/12/14 08:27
수정 아이콘
세..세상에.. 여전홍보를 여기서도 보다니..
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