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Date |
2007/09/15 04:13:48 |
Name |
우리동네안드 |
Subject |
[소식] KODE5는 USA stop를 쏘아올렸다. |
KODE5 launches USA stop
KODE5는 USA stop를 쏘아올렸다.
The revolution gets continued. Today the KODE5 committee has confirmed that they will be organizing a KODE5 stop in United States, more closely Las Vegas, Nevada and Ontario, California.
혁명은 계속되어간다. 오늘 KODE5 위원회는 그들이 더 접근하여 Las Vegas, Nevada와 Ontario,California US에서 KODE5 stop를 주최할것이라는것을 확인했다.
This year KODE5 will be bringing the event into Newegg.com's LANfest 2007 (BYOC), where the Counter-Strike 1.6 teams fight against each other in order to get two spots for the KODE5 USA Regional Finals, which will take place at the 2008 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
올해 KODE5는 이벤트를 Counter-Strike 1.6 팀들이 2008 국제 Consumer Electronics Show(CES)를 개최할 KODE5 USA 지역 결선에대해 두 자리를 갖기위해 서로에 맞서 싸우는 Newwgg.com의 LANfest 2007(BYOC)안으로 가져올려고할것이다.
Teams who place 1st and 2nd at Newegg.com's LANfest will get $750 dollars of money for traveling and some hardware prizes are being included too.
Newegg.com의 LANfest에서 첫번째와 두번째를 자리잡은 팀들은 여행을위한 돈 $750 달러을 갖을것이고 몇 하드웨어 상품들도 포함되어지려한다.
KODE5 USA Regional Qualifiers
WHEN: October 5-7, 2007
EVENT: Newegg.com LANfest2K7 (BYOC area)
VENUE: Ontario California Convention Center
FEE: FREE (players must hold a paid BYOC ticket)
KODE5 USA Regional Finals
WHEN: January 8-9, 2008
EVENT: International Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
VENUE: Las Vegas Convention Center (South Hall 4 | Booth 35308)
"Newegg.com’s LANfest series has always been an absolute blast, and we are happy to be a part of this amazing event. Our cooperation with technology partner E-Sports Entertainment Association and event partner Newegg.com will no doubt deliver C-S 1.6 gamers in the US an exciting and memorable experience," said the Revolutionary-in-Command of KODE5, Lester Lau
"Newegg.com의 LANfest series는 항상 거센 바람이였고 우리는 이 놀라운 이벤트의 일부가 되는것이 행복하다. 기술 파트너 E-Spors Enterainment Association과 이벤트 파트너 Newegg.com과 함께하는 협력은 손에 땀을쥐게하고 기억에남는 경험으로 US에 C-S 1.6 게임어들를 의심없이 인도할것이다.
KODE5 USA Regional Finals at Las Vegas will feature a total of four teams, where two get the spots through qualifiers and the final two are being invited.
Las Vagas에 KODE5 USA 지역 결선은 둘은 예선을 통과하는 자리를 같고 파이널 둘은 초대되지려하는 전체 4팀을 특징으로 할것이다.
출처: www.sk-gaming.com
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