- 경험기, 프리뷰, 리뷰, 기록 분석, 패치 노트 등을 올리실 수 있습니다.
Date 2004/10/10 10:29:34
Name 테리아
Subject WCG2004 현지 토너먼트 사진

WCG 2004 Grand Final  
WCG 2004 Tournament Zone - Spectators are waching the game through the big screen.

Do your best  
The first day of the full league in WCG 2004 Grand Final.

Counter Strike players  
Counter Strike players in the full league

WCG 2004 Grand Final players  
He is concentrating on gaming.

Honored WCG 2004 players  
Good luck to you.

WCG 2004 Commentator- DJ Wheat  
DJ Wheat is main commentator of Unreal Tournament 2004.  

WCG 2004 Commentator- Stuart Saw  
WCG 2004 Commentator is commentating Warcraft!

WCG 2004 Referee  
WCG 2004 referee is indicating to the players.

Counter Strike players- E_L_F  
Team E_L_F from Indonesia is playing the counter strike.

WCG 2004 Warcraft commentator  
The commentator: Stuart Saw from London

Referee is giving the instruction  
Warcraft Zone: Players are listen to the instruction.

Warcraft player from Korea  
Warcraft player `Lady` from Korea.  

Warcraft player in WCG 2004  
WCG 2004 Warcraft player is concentrating on the game.

A doll on the computer  
Is that doll for luck?

Do your best  
We believe that you will do your best!

Full league in the tournament zone  
Which team will be advanced to the final?

Good luck to you  
What′s going on? He looks so serious.

We are good friends  
The players from all over the world are all friends in WCG.

Where are you from?  
Are you doing well now?

Heated atmosphere in the tournament zone  
The tournament zone is filled with player′s heat.

Team 3D from USA  
WCG 2003 the second place winner of Counter Strike `Team 3D`.

Starcraft player in the full league  
Wish your good luck!

FIFA player in the tournament zone  
Hope that you will do your best.

Interviewing with player  
There are lots of press in WCG 2004.

WCG 2004 Chile players  
Good luck Chile players.

Smiling Warcraft player  
He looks that he is doing very well now.

Korean Warcraft player  
JaeHo Jang (wkdsog_kr) from Korea  

Warcraft player in WCG 2004  
Is everything going well?

Starcraft player from USA  
Don′t be too serious. You can do it!

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
04/10/10 10:38
수정 아이콘
여기는 어느 PC방인가요? =) 후다닥
04/10/10 10:49
수정 아이콘
왜 우리나라 노방송 일까..
04/10/10 11:15
수정 아이콘
내년대회에는 한국에서 TV로 볼 수있었음 좋겠네요. 아마도 이번대회는 비자때문에 많이 어려웠겠죠?
04/10/10 11:23
수정 아이콘
진지하게 게임에 임하고 있는 외국선수들, 참 아름답습니다.
04/10/10 12:33
수정 아이콘
삼성의 로고가 찍한 옷을 입고 그 앞에서 사진을 찍는 외국선수들.
삼성 역시 대단하네요.
그런 의미에서 삼성칸도 힘을 !!
04/10/10 19:22
수정 아이콘
요즘엔 어디를 가든 삼성의 PPL이..
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
번호 제목 이름 날짜 조회 추천
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