포럼글 주소 -
Apologies for the delay in getting information out on this - our initial focus was on putting out other patch-day fires.
Yes, this reflects a deliberate change, but it's also not working exactly as we intended. The scaling may be too steep, and the fact that unequipping a piece of gear can ever be helpful is a bug in the system. We'll be looking into making changes to correct this in the very near future.
Power progression is an essential part of the WoW endgame, and the last thing we want is to undermine that. We stressed the importance of that progression when discussing how the level-scaling system worked in Legion around the time of the expansion's launch, and explained why we then had no plans to scale foes' power based on gear. But as we've watched Legion unfold, we've come to observe some side-effects of our endgame content plan and the associated rewards structure that made us reconsider.
We've never had the initial outdoor world content stay relevant for this long in an expansion before. By the end of Mists of Pandaria, for example, the mantid of Dread Wastes that had once been reasonable foes were completely trivial. They'd basically evaporate if a raid-geared player looked in their general direction. But there wasn't much reason besides achievements or completionism to revisit the Klaxxi dailies once Isle of Thunder was out or, later on, Timeless Isle. And the enemies in those later zones could be tuned to a proportionally more challenging baseline difficulty.
But in Legion, while the new content in Broken Shore is the focus of 7.2, and we've made sure that the core outdoor rewards (both dropped and from Nethershards) are superior to the rep-related rewards from the original factions, the intent is not for the Broken Shore to completely replace the rest of the game. You'll still go back to the other Broken Isles zones for emissaries, Legion Assaults (coming next week!), Order campaign quests, improved world quest rewards, and more. And as 7.1 and 7.1.5 progressed, we could see that even with Nighthold gear the pacing of combat was getting a bit silly - what would happen once new content made that level of gear more common, and once the Tomb raid pushed limits even higher?
To reiterate, power progression is an essential part of the WoW endgame. We absolutely want you to feel overpowered as you return to steamroll content that once was challenging. But there's a threshold beyond which the game's core mechanics start to break down. When someone trying to wind up a 2.5sec cast can't get a nuke off against a quest target before another player charges in and one-shots it, that feels broken. And even for the Mythic-geared bringer of death and destruction, when everything dies nearly instantly, you spend more time looting corpses than you do making them. You spend an order of magnitude longer traveling to a quest location than you do killing the quest target. You stop using your core class abilities and instead focus on spamming instants to tap mobs as quickly as possible before they die.
Our goal is basically to safeguard against that degenerate extreme. We tune outdoor combat for a fresh 110 around a 12-15sec duration against a standard non-elite, non-boss enemy. It's great for gear, over the course of an expansion to cut that time in half, or even by two-thirds. But once you get down to a duration of one or two global cooldowns, the game just wasn't built to support that as the norm. (Note that this is an current-content endgame concern; running legacy content for completion/transmog/etc. purposes is a totally different story.)
The intent of our change in 7.2 was to smooth out that progression curve a bit, not flatten it out, and certainly never to invert it. If you get a great set of item upgrades that make you 5% stronger, maybe the world gets 1-2% tougher. Perhaps instead of getting 400% stronger over the course of the expansion relative to the outdoor world, you only get 250% stronger. But you should always be getting more powerful in relative terms, and upgrades should always matter. From some reactions so far, it sounds like we may be off on that tuning. And as noted above, the fact that unequipping items can ever be helpful is a bug that we'll be investigating and fixing.
Finally, there's the natural question of why we didn't patch-note this. It was not to be deceptive; we know it's impossible to hide a change from millions of players. But the system was meant to feel largely transparent and subtle, just like level-scaling does if you don't stop and really think about it, and so we did want players to first experience the change organically. Your feedback and reactions and first impressions of the system are more useful in this particular case when they are not skewed by the experience of logging in and actively trying to spot the differences. Thank you for that, and I look forward to continued discussion.
간단히 해석하면 현재는 버그로 장비를 벗는 게 도움이 되는 상황이지만 패치할 것이며 의도는 네가 아이템(장비)로 5% 강해지면 몹들은 1~2% 더 강해지도록 스케일 될 거다. 장비에 따라 몹들이 강해지는 건 판다리아 막바지처럼 필드 컨텐츠가 좋은 장비에 의해 의미가 없어져서 낸 아이디어다. 마지막으로 패치노트에 빼먹은 것은 플레이어들이 자연스럽게 느끼도록 하기 위한 것이었다 (실제로 잘 느끼고 있다고 합니다)
So now we have to consult ilvl spreadsheets to figure out which pieces of gear we need to unequip to make our daily chores as painless as possible.
To be clear, it's unacceptable to us for the "right" thing in any form to ever be equipping weaker gear, unequipping items, or doing things that in any way lower your "absolute" power. There are a couple of loopholes where that is true currently, and they'll be high-priority fixes for us in the next day or two.
Also to be clear, scrapping the entire system is certainly still an option. My post was not meant to be a "too bad, get used to it" proclamation.
But I did want to lay out what we consider to be the very real problem we're trying to solve here. I also understand that to many folks it doesn't appear to be a real problem at all, and it seems like we're just trying to throw up pointless obstacles.
Power always feels good. It feels better to kill something in 5 seconds than in 10, especially when you remember when it took 10. Even better when you can do it in 2. Better still when you can kill 4 or 5 things in that time. But is there a point where that goes too far? We think so, and we're just looking to ease up off the gas pedal a little bit. We don't want to halt the power curve, and certainly never to go in reverse, but rather to take a bit longer on our road to an endgame world where everyone effectively walks around death-touching mobs for quest credit.
포럼 글에 한 유저가 그야말로 Sarcastic comments를 남기자 블리자드가 답변한 내용인데 대부분 인정하지만 우리의 의도는 10초에 잡는 몹을 5초에 잡고 2초에 잡고 몰아 잡는 게 당연히 좋겠지만 가속화가 너무 빠른 것을 방지하고자 하는 거다. 플레이어가 강해지는 것을 줄이자는 것이 아니라는 식으로 답변을 했습니다.
*인벤을 참조함 (링크 참조)
저는 군단에서 생긴 레벨 스케일링도 마음에 안 들지만 그 정도는 적응 할 만한 시스템이라고 생각합니다. RPG 기반 패키지 게임에서는 사용하는 게임들도 있고 아닌 게임들도 있고 온오프가 가능한 게임들도 있죠. 그러나 장비에 따라 몹들이 강해지는 게임은 제가 안 해본 건지는 몰라도 RPG 장르에서 본 적이 없습니다. 물론 자유도 없는 단방향 게임들의 경우에는 플레이어 캐릭터들의 레벨이나 장비가 어느 선에 있을 지 뻔하기 때문에 그런 경향은 있다고 말할 수 있겠지만 그런 게임에서도 일명 '장비빨'은 느낄 수 있죠.
와우 같은 온라인 게임에서 몹들이 플레이어들 장비에 따라 강해지는 건 개인적으로 피로함만 가중시키는 것이라는 생각이 듭니다. 안 그래도 레이드 보스 잡으려고 길목 몹들 처리하는 것만해도 지겨워 죽습니다. 그냥 닥광으로 녹여도 지겨워 죽고 점사, 메즈 하면서 잡으면 귀찮으면서 지겨워 죽죠. 그런데 이제 필드몹까지 장비빨 제대로 못 받고 신경써서 잡아야 한다면 드럽게 귀찮으면서 지겨워 죽다가 게임 접기까지 할 거라고 봅니다. 저 같은 경우에는 와우 복귀각 재고 있다가 이 글 보고서는 그 마음에 싹 사라졌네요. 뭐하러 게임을 힘들게 하려고 시작할까 싶습니다.
ps.스타1 리마스터 때문에 블리자드 찬양하고 하스스톤 로그인 보상 때문에 기분 약간 좋았다가 이거 한 방에 그냥 끝났네요.