- 경험기, 프리뷰, 리뷰, 기록 분석, 패치 노트 등을 올리실 수 있습니다.
Date 2005/03/17 21:35:54
Name 문제출제위원
Subject 컴백기념으로 올리는 적절한 난이도의 영어독해문제[수정판]
흠 5개월 만의 컴백기념으로 문제를 올리게 되었는데..숙제라고 의심하는 분들이 있을것 같아서 말하는데 숙제는 절대 아니구요,그냥 취미로 내는 겁니다....풀고나서 지문내용 및 난이도 같은건 어떻고,분야를 잘 나누었는지,문법적으로 잘못된 곳은 없는지 말씀해 주세요.[아까 올린거 2번문제가 이상이 있다는 판단하에 과감히 교체]
(문제는 5문제임.)

*다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

┌A Chinese and American team at the International Rice Research Institute Farm in the Philippines studied temperature and growth patterns for 12 years. Their just-of the world's number one food crop, rice. The study's co-author, professor Kenneth Cassman adds, "The increase in temperature was three-fold greater at night than during the day. Hot nights apparently force rice plants to use more energy to breathe and less to grow." The study predicts global warming will make it increasingly difficult to feed the Earth's growing population. And night-time temperatures will continue to rise faster than during the day. The most dramatic effects would be in tropical climates, where normally high temperatures limit rice yields. Even a slight increase in temperature could carry a heavy cost, causing further food shortages in already hungry parts of the world┘

1.이 글을 다음과 같이 요약할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?

ㅁAccording to the study,as the ____________________, the yields of rice get low.

   ① days get longer
   ② amount of rainfall decreases
   ③ temperature increases
   ④ weather becomes more changeable
   ⑤ cost of farming decreases

2.다음 밑줄(=[ ]) 친 [character]와 가장 가까운 의미로 사용된 것은?
┌Apparently there are three ways of acquiring information:first,from one's own observations; second, from books; and third, from other people.
1. There are good and poor observers. Possibly heredity may partially determine one's powers, but training and self-discipline have much to do with it.
2. Acquiring knowledge from books is an art which definitely has to be learned.
Merely rummaging around in a library accomplishes little.
3. Certainly, making the acquaintance of strangers and securing information from them is as much an art to be learned as acquiring information from books, and deserves as much study. One must be able to judge [character] and know what testimony to credit.┘

   ① There is a serious side to her [character].
   ② These new houses have very little [character].
   ③ I like the [characters] in the novels of Dickens.
   ④ The address was written in Chinese [characters].
   ⑤ Liquids are different in [character] from both solids and gases.

┌Nicolo Paganini was a well-known and gifted 19th century violinist. He was also well known as a great showman with a quick sense of humor. His most memorable concert was in Italy with a full orchestra. He was performing before a packed house and his technique was incredible, his tone was fantastic, and his audience dearly Loved him. Toward the end the end of his concert, Paganini surprised his audience with an unbelievable composition when suddenly one string on his violin snapped and hung from his instrument. Paganini frowned briefly, shook his head, and continued to play beautifully. Then to everyone's surprise, a second string broke And shortly after,a third one, too. Almost like a comedy show,paganini stood there with three strings hanging from his violin.But instead of leaving the stage,Paganini stood on the stage and completed the performance with the one remaining string.┘

3.이 글에서 나타나는 paganini의 성격으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
   ①arrogant   ②selfish   ③witty   ④calm   ⑤cunning

┌Salespeople who want to increase their sales may make promises which the company's production and accounting departments find difficult to support. Production, for example, may not be able to meet the sales department's schedule because purchasing didn't get raw materials in time. While salespeople might like to have large inventories available, production and finance are likely to resist building up stocks because of the high cost of storing unsold goods. Also, if production is in the middle of union negotiations, it is likely to feel they are more important than anything else. At the same time, however, salespeople may feel that nothing is more urgent than increasing sales.┘

4.이 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
  ① Union demands can slow up production.
  ② Union negotiations are more important than anything else.
  ③ Different parts of an organization may have competing needs.
  ④ Businesses tend to be disorganized due to a lack in communications.
  ⑤ The demands of the sales department should be given priority in an organization.

5.다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
┌An astronaut's body goes though unusual changes while he is in weightless space. ① There is no gravity in space,so the astronaut's heart does not have to pump hard to send blood to the legs and feet. ② If the heart doesn't work hard, it will shrink somewhat. So astronauts have to exercise in space to keep their hearts strong. ③ An astronaut's brain is also affected by space travel. ④ One astronaut, just after landing back on earth, could not lift a light camera because his brain thought he was still weightless in space and sent the wrong message to the muscles. ⑤ Therefore, space travel will be possible when we can say there is nothing in space that causes any disease.┘


통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
05/03/17 21:37
수정 아이콘
수고하고 싶었으나 OTL..
05/03/17 21:49
수정 아이콘
앞으로 문제출제위원님께 숙제를 여기서 한다느니 하는 소리는 안들리길
바랍니다. 문제출제위원님이 저번에 5개월간 떠나신것도
pgr21 초참들의 비난으로 떠나신것으로 알고있습니다.
(솔직히 리플들이 너무 비인간적이였죠)
05/03/17 22:00
수정 아이콘
저도 2번문제가 이상하다 생각했는데..그새 바꾸셨네요!
다시 답 쓸께요 맞나 봐주세요^^
1) 3
2) 1
3) 3
4) 3
5) 5
05/03/17 22:14
수정 아이콘
1, 3번
2, 1번
3, 3번
4, 이건 잘 모르겠네요... 저도 윗분과 같이 3번같으면서도...
어쩌면 4,5번도 어떤 의도로 쓰여졌느냐에 따라....;;
5, 5번
흠...문제들이 쉬운거 같으면서도 힘들군요... 외국 11년째 살면서 이런거 하나 제대로 못하는 저는 뭐죠....
05/03/18 01:45
수정 아이콘
저도 답변을...
1: 3번
2: 5번
3: 4번
4: 3번
5: 5번
외국(영어권아님)에 살다 보니까 영어도 같이 늘게 되는군요..
05/03/18 01:46
수정 아이콘
2번은 저만 잘 못 이해 했나 보군요...
05/03/18 11:21
수정 아이콘
3 모름 3 3 5
2번은 문제가 이해가 잘 안되네요
질문할게 잇는데요 명사구 형용사구 부사구에 따라서 관계부사나 의문사가 해석이 바뀌잖아요... 경험으로 직독직해 하나요?
05/03/18 13:42
수정 아이콘
MiMediaNaranja님/혹시 서어권 거주하시나요?
05/03/19 02:40
수정 아이콘
글쓰기 버튼의 무거움을...^^
05/03/19 12:06
수정 아이콘
bulletproof// 예... 남미... 나라는 밝힐 수 없고요... 전에 밝혔나???
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