Date 2002/09/21 17:40:32
Name 은하늘이
Subject 블리자드에 나온 '스타크래프트-고스트' 에 대한 F.A.Q입니다.
Q: What is StarCraft: Ghost?
A: StarCraft: Ghost is a tactical-action console game set in the StarCraft?universe.
Q: How will StarCraft: Ghost be different from other tactical-action console games?
A: StarCraft: Ghost will be different from other tactical-action games in many ways. Taking on the role of Nova, the game's elite Ghost operative hero, players will be able to:

Utilize a Wide Range of Elite Ghost Abilities
Outmaneuver your enemies at sonic speed
Infiltrate bases and sneak past guards using the cloak ability
Lock down vehicles and electronic devices to immobilize them
Engage in both face-to-face firefights and planet-scale warfare

Leverage the Resources of an Entire Army
Call down massive Battlecruiser and Siege Tank strikes
Take control of familiar StarCraft vehicles
Wield a variety of familiar weapons, such as the Gauss Rifle and Perdition Flamethrower
Join your allies in battle and do your part to ensure mission success

Experience the World of StarCraft in 3D
See the world of StarCraft on a personal level
Visit familiar planetary settings
Explore 3D environments designed for strategic interaction
Use the camera to find unique strategic possibilities
As Nova, players will be able to scale fences, hang from wires, climb poles and scale walls, and negotiate tightropes

Unveil the Next Chapter in the StarCraft Saga
Experience story-driven missions complete with multiple plot twists
Play a crucial role in the rich StarCraft history
Engage in combat with a variety of fully rendered units from the StarCraft universe, including the Terran, Zerg, and Protoss
Q: Is this StarCraft II?
A: No.
Q: Will there be a StarCraft II? When?
A: Although we have not made any announcements and do not have a development or release timeline, we do fully intend to revisit the world of StarCraft on PC at some point in the future.

Q: Why is Blizzard Entertainment?entering the console arena?
A: We began our early development efforts in console gaming, and we have always been excited about returning to this arena. Additionally, we've wanted to revisit the StarCraft universe for some time. With StarCraft: Ghost, we are able to do both. Also, due to the game's control interface and tactical-action nature, developing this title for the next-generation console systems makes the most sense. In addition to expanding StarCraft's rich storyline, the game gives players a chance to experience the sci-fi universe from an all-new perspective.

Q: Does Blizzard plan to develop any other console games?
A: While we have not made any announcements, we are considering future console development plans.

Q: What is the relationship between Blizzard and Nihilistic Software, Inc.™?
A: Blizzard and Nihilistic are co-developing StarCraft: Ghost.

Q: Why did Blizzard choose Nihilistic as a development partner?
A: Nihilistic Software, Inc. is made up of a talented group of developers. We chose them because they share our vision and focus in developing games. Their team members have worked on several great titles, and we are very pleased to be expanding the StarCraft universe with them.

Q: What is the relationship between Blizzard Entertainment and Capcom?
A: Blizzard and Capcom are co-publishing StarCraft: Ghost in Japan.

Q: Why did Blizzard choose Capcom as a publishing partner in Japan?
A: Blizzard has a longstanding relationship with Capcom. We chose them as our publishing partner because we have a great deal of respect for the company and their products.

Q: When will StarCraft: Ghost be released?
A: We expect to ship StarCraft: Ghost in late 2003.

Q: What rating do you expect for StarCraft: Ghost?
A: We expect StarCraft: Ghost to receive a Teen rating from the ESRB.

Q: On what platforms will StarCraft: Ghost be available?
A: We are currently developing the game for multiple console systems. Further details regarding platform/country specifics will be released in the months ahead.

Q: Will there be a PC and Mac version?
A: No. StarCraft: Ghost is only being developed for console systems.

Q: How many copies of StarCraft have been sold?
A: To date, the StarCraft franchise has shipped over 6 million copies.

?002 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved.


통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
02/09/21 17:41
수정 아이콘
재미있을것 같네요- 고스트가 되어 시즈탱크에 타고.. 클로킹을하고..^-^a
02/09/21 17:42
수정 아이콘
영어 실력이 모잘라서-_-;; 전문 해석을 못해드려 죄송합니다; 대략적인 해석만 가능하다는;;
02/09/21 19:04
수정 아이콘
에-_- 그러니까.. 2003 년 발매 예정으로.. 스타크래프트-고스트-라는 게임이 출시되게 되었습니다-_-;;
02/09/21 19:41
수정 아이콘
저기..^ㅡ^;; 해석좀올려주시면 상당히 고마울텐데..ㅋ
02/09/21 19:56
수정 아이콘
음...이런식의 글 올려도 모르겠지만...ruliweb.com에 가시면 번역된 게시물이 있습니다.
02/09/21 20:34
수정 아이콘
아렛글 어딘가에 번역 된것 있던데..조금 번역기로 해서 어색한게 있긴하지만-_-
02/09/22 12:52
수정 아이콘
조금은 알겠지만;; 다 해석하기는 무리인-_-

아- 영어실력 딸리는게 이런데에서 드러나다니;; 킁;
02/09/23 08:36
수정 아이콘
2003년쯤에 스타크래프트 고스트란 겜이 나오느데..
이건 택티컬 액션게임이다..
이건 pc론 발매안되고..
콘솔로만 발매된다..
그리고 스타2는아니다.
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